Elk Ridge Financial Services
Working Together

Client centric planning
You are the most important aspect of the investment process. We spend time getting to know each one of our clients developing a prudent balance between portfolio growth and risk management based on each clients specific needs.
creating your plan
Financial planning is the collective organization and accounting of EVERYTHING that impacts your life with respect to money – Income, expenses, savings, investments, taxes, insurance, and family. At its core, financial planning is connecting your money to your life – Connected Planning. We’ll help you to organize all that you have right now (the good and bad) and arrange things so that you have the best chances to reach your unique goals and wishes. Elk Ridge Financial Services will serve as your personal template and road-map that keeps you disciplined, aware and organized.
implementing your plan
Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many investors and “professionals” continue to believe they can select tomorrow’s outperforming asset manager and beat the market. This can lead to an endless and costly cycle of performance-chasing and a frustrating investment experience. At Elk Ridge Financial Services, we’ll educate you on the proven merits of asset-class investing and help you identify your personal risk score. The result is a process that connects your investments to your life in a way that makes sense. Are you tired of micro-managing your investments? Meet with us and break the cycle. We’ll help you worry less and achieve more.